Psychosocial Risk Management

Psychosocial Risk Management

Any hazard in your business has to be identified, assessed in terms of its risk potential, and ultimately controlled or eliminated. Australian law is abundantly clear that this applies equally as much to everyday psychosocial hazards as it does to the most potentially catastrophic physical hazards.

Psychosocial risk management is simply about treating your psychosocial hazards as another risk to be managed - just like any other. The simple fact is, if there are any people at your worksite, there will be at least some amount of potential risk in that working environment that can result from a psychosocial hazard.

These risks can’t be left to guesswork or amateurs. It requires a robust system approach, informed by quality data, implemented at every level of your organisation, and communicated clearly to everyone that will be on-site. This is where HML can help.

Through our psychosocial risk management process, your hazards can be clearly identified, with each of their respective risks analysed and followed up with measures designed to effectively minimise any residual risk to your business and your working environment. We provide companies in heavy industry with the know-how they need to meet their legal obligations while reducing their overall risk exposure and - most importantly - protecting their most valuable assets: the minds of their employees.